
Reference Texts

  • Sahasrayogam
    Sahasrayogam: A popular Book on keraliya Tradition of Ayurvedic Treatement
    Item code:IDJ120
    Publisher: chowkhamba sanskrit series office
    Language:(Sanskrit Text With English Translation)
    Other DETAILS: Weight of book is750 gm
    Price: 568
  • Ashtangahridayam
    This is a three volume set:
    Vol. I Sutra Sthana & Sarira Sthana
    Vol. II Nidan, Cikitsa, Kalpa & Siddhi Sthana
    Vol. III Uttara Sthana, Index & Appendix
    Ashtangahridaya of Vagbhata is an ancient authoritative treatise on Ayurveda. Its popularity extended beyond the frontiers of India for more than a thousand years substantiated by its translation in Arabic, Tibetan and some European languages. None of these are available now.
    Study of Ashtangahridaya is considered indispensable for a thorough knowledge of Ayurveda. With the increasing interest these days for the study of Classical texts of Ayurveda both within and outside India a great need is felt for an English translation. This publication by Dr. K.R. Srikanthamurthy fulfils this necessity.
    Vol. I: Introduction.
    1. dfudfuo
  • Charakasamhitha
    Author: P.V. Sharma
    Publisher: Chaukhambha Orientalia
    Release Date: 01/04/2005
    ISBN: 9788176370127
    Title: Caraka Samhita (Text With English Translation) 4 Volume Set
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  • Sushruthasamhitha

    Sushruta Samhita

    Book Chapter Topics Translation



    Origin of the Ayurveda: eight divisions, history, definition of Purusha (patient), what is a disease, stages of a disease, classifications [54] Medical education: qualifications of a student, oath of care, promise of the student to the teacher, ethical prohibitions [55] Classification of (Original) Samhita: Table of contents, synopsis of the text, skilful and unskilful physicians, how to study for medical practice, need for "constant practice to attain perfection" [56] Preface and explanations: Need for clear exposition, defects resulting from unclear statements, duties of a student [57]

    Preliminary surgical measures

    1.V Types of surgical operations, collecting equipment and accessories, prophylatics, modes of incision, post surgical steps, dressing wounds, instructions to the patient after surgery, measures to remove pain [58]

    1.VI Seasons and their influence on health and medicine: effect of weather, change in weather, causes of epidemics, prophylatic measures, natural and unnatural seasons [59]
    1.VII Surgical appliances, their use and construction: names, dimensions, use and functions, excellence of each appliance, defect of each appliance, accessories [60]
    1.VIII Surgical instruments, their use and construction: handling instruments, sharpening, edging, tempering, maintenance, when should each be used and not used [61]
    1.IX Training for surgery: use of dummies and fruits to learn and pre-practice surgery [62]
    1.X Qualifications and certification of a physician: effect of weather, change in weather, causes of epidemics, prophylatic measures, natural and unnatural seasons [63]
    1.XI Preparing Alkalis, their uses: how to prepare the solutions, external and internal uses, cauterization, potencies, defects, dangers, reaction, preventing abuse [64]
    1.XII Cauterization: preparation and process for various injuries and diseases, various types of cauterization [65]
    1.XIII Leeching: suitable and unsuitable patients, mode of vitiating dhatu (blood), finding, collecting and keeping leeches, good leeches and bad leeches, post-treatment measures [66]
    1.XIV Lymph chyle: menstrual blood and its nature, swellings, venesection, causes of excessive bleeding, causes of scanty bleeding, measures to be adopted in either [67]
    1.XV Excretory disorders: nature, locations, theory of why they increase or decrease [68]
    1.XVI Ear piercing and bandages: proper piercing, accidents, treatments [69]
    1.XVII Swellings: types, suppurating and non-suppurating, causes, symptoms, treatments, dangers of misdiagnosis, anaesthesia, lancing, surgery [70]
    1.XVIII Ulcers: classification, preparing medicinal plasters, dressing, evils of not bandaging, benefits of bandaging, when not to bandage, lubricating bandage for faster healing [71]
    1.XIX Nursing and management: bed, chamber, prohibited articles, prophylaxis and mantras against monsters and demons, diet, conduct, care [72]
    1.XX Food and regimen for patient's recovery: Food and drinks, their role in patient's recovery, salutary regiment, non-salutary regimen [73]
    1.XXI Vayu, Pittam and Shleshma: the role and impact of diseases on Vayu, Pittam and Shleshma (body aeration, body fluids) [74]
    1.XXII Boils and ulcers, secretions: shapes, types, secretion, role of Vayu, pains and their kinds associated with different types of ulcers, colors of ulcers [75]
    1.XXIII Prognosis of ulcers: symptoms, identification of curable and incurable types, palliation, factors which reopen healed ulcer [76]
    1.XXIV Classification of diseases, deciding if medicine or surgery is needed: types of diseases, congenital, mental, physical, providential; causes of fever [77]
    1.XXV Eight forms of surgery: description, suitability in different cases, avoiding injuries to blood vessels and ligaments, action if accidentally injured [78]
    1.XXVI Injuries from splinters: Shalyam, accidental injuries, arrow injuries, necessity for removing arrow shafts [79]
    1.XXVII Injuries, extraction of splinters: fifteen methods of extraction, dangers of not extracting splinters completely from a wound [80]
    1.XXVIII Progress in treating ulcer: signs of improvement, signs of worsening, fatal symptoms [81]
    1.XXIX Disease prognosis, use of omens, augury: Dreams and their analysis for diagnosis [82]
    1.XXX Prognosis from sense organs: Testing sensory functions of a patient for symptoms and disease prognosis [83]
    1.XXXI - 1.XLVI Various topics [84]

    2.I Nervous system diseases: causes, pathology, symptoms, prognosis. Epilepsy, Hemiplegia, Torticellis, Facial paralysis, Indistinct speech, etc. [85]
    2.II Haemorhoids: classification, causes, pathology, symptoms, prognosis. [86]
    2.III Urinary calculli: Aetiology, symptoms, indications, theory on how bladder stones are formed [87]
    2.IV Fistula: classification, pathology, symptoms, prognosis. [88]
    2.V Skin diseases: classification, aetiology, symptoms, treatment, contagious nature, avoiding its spread, prognosis. [89]
    2.VI Urinary diseases: pathology, symptoms, prognosis. [90]
    2.VII Dropsy: classification, causes, pathology, symptoms, prognosis. [91]
    2.VIII Birth, Difficult labor: causes, classification, symptoms, abortion, miscarriage, prognosis. [92]
    2.IX Abscess, Vidradhi: classification, curability, treatment [93]
    2.X Mammary glands diseases (women): classification, symptoms, healthy breast milk and its character, abnormal traits, baby care [94]
    2.XI Tumors and goitres: classification, symptoms, causes, prognosis [95]
    2.XII Andrology and gynecology: genital organ diseases, classification, symptoms, causes, prognosis [96]
    2.XIII Kshudra roga: minor diseases, classification, symptoms, causes, prognosis [97]
    2.XIV Shuka dosha: classification, symptoms, prognosis [98]
    2.XV Fracture and dislocation: causes, features, symptoms, classification, curable and incurable types, treatment, management [99]
    2.XVI Mouth, tongue, larynx and lip diseases: classification, causes, symptoms, classification, prognosis [100]
    3. Sarira-sthana
    3.I Theory of Being: Tattvas, Purusha and Prakriti, Samkhya theories and its use in medical practice, human mind [101]
    3.II Reproductive health: classification of semen and menstrual fluid, disorders, treatment, sexual activity for conception, difficulty in conception, causes, description of fetus [102]
    3.III Pregnancy: Theory of Sarira (body, matter), Atman (soul), theory on gender formation, signs of pregnancy, care of pregnant woman, fetal development, cravings, twin, time of delivery, care during labor [103]
    3.IV Womb, baby development: theory on placenta, limbs, organ development during pregnancy [104]
    3.V Human anatomy: Enumeration of limbs, body organs, their numbers, vessels, bones, joints, Sandhis, ligaments, muscles, differences between organs of men and women, reproductive organs [105]
    3.VI Marmas, vital organs: classification, numbering and location of organs, different theories on which organs are vital, symptoms associated with specific organs when injured [106]
    3.VII Vascular system: classification, numbering and location of Siras (vascular system) [107]
    3.VIII Venesection: classification and definition, determining who is fit and who unfit for venesection [108]
    3.IX Arteries, Nerves and Ducts: classification, locations, theory on their roles, symptoms in cases of disorder [109]
    3.X Nursing, care of pregnant women: needs from conception to parturition, regimen during gestation, diet, natal rites, lactation, infantile diseases, miscarriage and its treatment, management of pregnancy [110]

    4. Cikitsa-sthana
    4.I Ulcers: causes, symptoms, traumatic and idiopathic ulcers, dosha-originated ulcers, therapeutics, sixty treatments of different types of ulcers [111]
    4.II - 4.XXIII Various topics: Treatment of ulcers, wounds, sores, fractures, nervous disorders, urinary infections, skin infections, tumors, swellings, hernia, hydrocele, genital sores, urethra infections, mouth infections, other minor ailments [112]
    4.XXIII - 4.XL Various topics on Hygiene: tooth brushing, dental care, face care, hands and feet washing, bathing, exercise, healthy meal, rules on drinking water, benefits of Dahi (yoghurt), good sleep, effect of not taking care of body, improving strength, elixirs, rejuvenators, remedial agents, Soma, tonics, Sneha, Sveda, Emetics, Purgatives, effects of abusing or overdosing medicine and solutions, use of Dhuma (fumes) and Kavala (gargling) for relief from some symptoms. [113]

    5. Kalpa-sthana
    5.I Preserving food and drink: theory on why food or drink poisons, how to detect poisoned food or drink, treatment of food poisoning [114]
    5.II - 5.VIII Various topics on Poisons: Classification, description and treatment of animal poisons, snake bite, rat poisoning, scorpions, spiders, other insect bites [115]

    6. Uttara-tantra
    6.I-6.XIX Eye disorders, injuries and infections: eye diseases, appendages, causes of eye diseases, symptoms, eyelid infections and their treatment, classification of eye lens problems and prognosis, need and protocols for eye surgery, eye injuries and their treatment [116]
    6.XX-6.XXI Ear disorders, injuries and infections: ear diseases, causes and their treatment [117]
    6.XXII-6.XXIII Nose disorders, injuries and infections: classification of nose diseases, symptoms and their treatment [118]
    6.XXV-6.XXVI Head diseases: classification of head diseases, symptoms and their treatment [119]
    6.XXVII-6.XXXVII Malignant grahas: attack by grahas (superhuman influences), symptoms, procedures for sprinkling, fumigation and mantra recitals [120]
    6.XXXIX-6.LIII Fever, diarrhea, phthisis, gulma, heart disease, jaundice, hemorrhage, alcoholism, vomiting, asthma, cough: classification, symptoms, causes, prognosis, changes in diet as cure, use of drinks, milk and meat as medicine. [121]
    6.LIV-6.LIX Worms, problem urinating, other diseases: classification, symptoms, causes, prognosis [122]
    6.LXII Insanity: type, symptoms and treatment [123]
    6.LXIV Rules of health: indications and importance of health, knowledge of foods, varying food intake with seasons, effective ways to administer medicines, proper time for taking food and medicines [124]
    6.LXV-6.LXVI Glossary and short list: technical terms in the text, their definitions, list of diseases and drugs, various lists and their numbers [125] Prevention versus cure[edit]
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